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Selected Clients

Our clients come to us out of a need to understand the thinking of their constituencies – whether investors and analysts or other stakeholders, including employees, communities, and interest groups such as those focusing on the environment and labor issues.


A major Silicon Valley microprocessor company.

Demonstrated to a new leadership team the importance of translating the language used for internal communication to one that dramatized investment value to capital markets.

An industry-leading hardware producer.

Advised management on the preparation of each segment of an Analyst Day. Convinced management that helping investors understand demand dynamics in the computer industry could be a primary factor in leading the market to support the company’s own investment story.

A telecommunications company with unique technology.


Demonstrated to management the market value of showing investors the technology's commercial prospects, laying out financial targets, and making the company's value proposition clear to investors with lower levels of technological sophistication.


One of the world's largest offshore drilling rig companies.

Helped management prepare for an Analyst Day by developing market intelligence that informed executives making presentations on market attitudes toward each segment of the company's business.

A leading international oilfield services company.

Conducted an ongoing series of Open Perception Studies over half a decade, several in support of investor conferences. Created benchmarks for investor attitudes on specific areas of the business, charting their evolution over time, and suggesting ways management could best address the pockets of skepticism in the market.

One of the world's leading National Oil Companies.

Showed management the cost in equity value of the Government’s control of its board and influence on commercial practices.


A global financial services company.

Helped management understand how investors viewed the possibility of disintermediation in some of its businesses by other market players and the regulatory liabilities implied by the high margins the company had managed to achieve.

A major European investment bank active in the US.

Helped the bank understand the reasons for its discount in equity markets and the dynamics that would determine consolidation in its sector. The bank obtained vital information on several major issues, including the market's opinions of its approach to M&A and the adequacy of its communication about strategy.


A global advertising and marketing conglomerate.

Gave management early warning that failure to communicate the economic purpose of acquisitions compromised investor confidence in the company as a whole.


A large US industrial company with a treasured global brand.

Showed management how adapting the product to specific demographic and geographic markets would affect the value investors attribute to the brand.

Global Strategic Communications, Inc.

Supporting Corporate Managements through:

●    Usable intelligence on investor attitudes.

●    Strategies for building strong reputations.

    Crisis preparation and recovery.

    Counsel on sound governance practice.

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PF Writing, Media, Speeches, Interviews


Should Boards Engage Investors?

The Dangers of Believing Your Own PR



ENGAGE YOUR STAKEHOLDERS Making Allies of Investors & Activists


CEOs from Mars, Investors from Venus

From Peter's BusinessWeek Columns


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